Our Mission
To improve the effectiveness of policies and systems addressing the prevention and control of crime and delinquency.
Our Values
- The public must be an informed and an active participant in developing crime prevention and reduction.
- Prevention programs reduce the social and human costs associated with crime.
- Everyone is entitled to equal access to and equal treatment by the human services and justice systems.
- Policy development requires a holistic approach in order to avoid unintended consequences.
- Honesty and integrity are the basis of all Council activities.
Strategic Approach
- Shape public policy through data-driven advocacy.
- Inform the public.
- Educate service providers, policymakers, and justice professionals.
- Develop and test model programs and strategies.
Investment in researched and replicated prevention and treatment programs.
- Funding for culturally competent programs.
- Reinstatement of funding for after-school programs.
- Increased funding for in-home treatment through Child Care Fund.
- State funding for juvenile and adult reentry programs.
Establishment of fair and equitable justice policies that utilize the principles of Balanced and Restorative Justice (BARJ).
- Service providers, judges, etc., understand BARJ. Sentencing practices include appropriate BARJ principles.
- The public will begin to demand that BARJ be implemented.
- Offenders and delinquents will receive appropriate sanctions.
- Sentencing policy will be based on data and will be restorative in application.
- The public will be knowledgeable about restorative sentencing.
Equip communities to use their social, political, and economic resources to provide for the health, well-being, and safety of all community members.
- Adult community corrections programs will be expanded.
- Communities will have the continuum of services necessary for positive youth development.
The establishment of services under-served population.
- All children of incarcerated parents will receive specialized services.
- Reduction in teen pregnancies, dropout rates, criminal activity, and foster care costs for this population.