Gov. Snyder Proposes Truly “Smart” Justice Reforms – 2015 Special Message
This week Gov. Snyder surprised us all with a progressive and forward-thinking special message on the future of Michigan’s criminal justice system.
Using the same “smart justice” tag line from his previous 2012 special message on criminal justice, it seems that the second-term Governor Snyder is finally sinking his teeth into changes that can substantially affect public safety in Michigan. This year’s message calls for reforms like
- addressing inconsistent parole violations;
- instituting presumptive parole at the earliest possible release date;
- increasing funding for indigent defense;
- confirming Michigan’s zero-tolerance to prison rape;
- ensuring prisoners have all vital documents and are employable by the date of release;
- shifting focus towards juvenile diversion and community treatment and away from out-of-home placement;
- encouraging statewide risk and needs assessments for all juvenile and adult courts; and
- requiring that juvenile justice services are at least evidence-based or promising practices.
Many, if not all, of these concepts have been batted back-and-forth among the Legislature, courts, and various state departments for years. Some have existed before and were defunded along the way (ahem, prisoner reentry), but it is good to see them back on the docket. These are truly “smart” ideas for Michigan’s justice systems.
Learn More
Read Highlights and the Full Criminal Justice Special Message
Watch Governor Snyder’s speech below
Posted by MCCD on Friday, May 22nd, 2015 @ 11:33AM
Categories: Community Corrections, In the News, In-Home Care Incentive, Michigan Council on Crime and Delinquency, Prisoner Reentry, Public Defense Reform