Campaign to Raise the Age in Michigan Launched
In an effort to realign Michigan with the rest of the nation, a new collaborative initiative has been launched to raise the age of juvenile court jurisdiction in Michigan to 18. The campaign’s website details the high costs of current laws that automatically prosecutes all 17 year-olds as adults, and provides updates on news and events related to the issue and ways that others can get involved.
Join the Campaign! Sign on to the Raise the Age MI Statement of Principles
Individuals and organizations can join the Campaign to Raise the Age MI by signing on to the Raise the Age MI: Statement of Principles. These principles outline a belief shared by many Michigan residents that kids are developmentally different than adults, and should be treated in an age-appropriate manner whenever they come in contact with the justice system. Over 100 organizations and individuals have already endorsed the Statement of Principles to Raise the Age.
For more information, and to see the list of others that have pledged their support, please go to
Posted by MCCD on Wednesday, April 22nd, 2015 @ 10:00AM
Categories: Featured Story, Michigan Council on Crime and Delinquency, Raise the Age, Youth in Adult System