Senator submits 22 bills to crack down on human trafficking in Michigan
Senator Judy Emmons is leading efforts to crack down on human trafficking in the Michigan Senate. According to a press release via her office, she composed a series of bills that aim to increase penalties, training and survivor support.
Among the approved reforms is Senate Bill 584, sponsored by Emmons and named the Theresa Flores Act. It would eliminate the statute of limitations for any offense related to human trafficking or commercial sexual exploitation of children and increase the statute of limitations to 25 years for adults.
The bill is named for Theresa Flores, a Michigan native and the author of The Slave Across the Street, her personal story about how she overcame human trafficking. As a survivor and renowned expert on human trafficking, Flores has worked closely with Emmons to raise awareness on the issue and develop the legislative solutions approved on Thursday.
“Loud and clear, Michigan is speaking out and standing strong against a multi-billion-dollar criminal enterprise that devastates the lives of thousands of women and children every year,” said Emmons, R-Sheridan. “Human trafficking is a scourge that requires a comprehensive solution, and we stood united as parents, lawmakers and Michiganders to approve landmark reforms to end this modern-day slavery and support its survivors.”
Reforms in the package include bills to increase penalties for soliciting a minor prostitute, adding “Johns” who solicit minor prostitutes to the sex offender registry, creating a “safe harbor” for minor victims of trafficking and establishing a permanent Human Trafficking Commission.
Human Trafficking Legislation
Download the list of proposed legislation here
Posted by MCCD on Wednesday, October 29th, 2014 @ 10:30AM
Categories: Blog Features, In the News, Michigan Council on Crime and Delinquency