Genesee County, Ann Arbor approve “Ban the Box” resolutions
After initially rejecting a proposed Ban the Box resolution in December 2013 on a tie vote, the Genesee County Board of Commissioners approved a revised version of the resolution this morning with a unanimous voice vote. County department heads supported the resolution during deliberations, including representatives of the Sheriff’s department, community corrections, and workforce investment board.
A number of individuals from the community, including members of FACT and the retired coach of Flint Central High School, spoke prior to the vote. FACT leaders were present and interviewed by local media following the vote, along with NELP staffer Lorene Randall.
“We especially thank all our supporters as well as Commissioner Omar Sims who sponsored this resolution and we express our appreciation to all the members of the Board of Commissioners for their votes,” said Rick McHugh, Staff Attorney for the National Employment Law Project.
Coincidently, Ann Arbor also passed Ban the Box yesterday. The City Council voted unanimously Monday night in favor of a new hiring policy removing all references to past felony convictions from city employment applications, except for police and fire department applicants. Read more
Posted by MCCD on Wednesday, May 7th, 2014 @ 3:24PM
Categories: Michigan Council on Crime and Delinquency, Prisoner Reentry